Shadow Weave II

Marcy Petrini


In the blog of April 18, 2016, I talked about the unique characteristics of Shadow Weave: on one hand, it’s a Color and Weave, on the other hand, the motifs can maintain the look of the underlying weaving structure, usually a twill; this is generally not the case with the non-Shadow-Weave Color and Weave motifs, which tend to be optical illusions hiding the weaving structures that produce them.

I mentioned that I was weaving samples. Those are for the monograph on Color and Weave that I am writing for my Convergence™ seminar. So, here is a peak and another look at why Shadow Weave can be considered Color and Weave.

Below again is the drawdown from the April 18, 2016 blog: (Right-click on this draft to get a larger version in a new window.) 

And here is the sample, wet finished after coming off the loom:

The staggered diamonds of the pointed twill are visible in the cloth, even more clearly than the drawdown. But zoning in close to the middle of one of the diamonds clearly reveals why this is a Color and Weave:

The solid lines that make up the motifs are not floats, as they are in a pointed twill, but are the result of the intersection of the same color warp and weft.

Powell’s book offers a life time of exploration for Shadow Weave. Maybe after Convergence I will be inspired to go back and try others……


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